ISMENE BROWN          

dance and arts journalism

An archive of 25 years of British dance

"What to some is splendid entertainment, to others is merely tedium and fidgets"


Q – Z


     Istvan Rabovsky     |20 Obituary          |09 Nora Kovach obituary

     Yvonne Rainer     |02 White Oak Dance Project     |01 Yvonne Rainer interview: Baryshnikov and White Oak

     Marie Rambert   |01 75th anniversary of Rambert Dance     |99 Preservation of ballet heritage     |96 Tribute bill: Bruce, Tudor, Cohan

     Rambert Dance Company   |03 Bonachela, Van Manen, de Frutos     |01 75th anniversary      |99 Inspired by Chaucer: Christopher Bruce interview     |99 Preservation of ballet heritage     |96 Tribute bill: Quicksilver, Dark Elegies, Stabat Mater

     Alexei Ratmansky       |08 Grigorovich returns, Ratmansky leaves    |08 Alexei Ratmansky explains his resignation  |08 Kobborg stages La Sylphide    |07 Wheeldon creates Hamlet ballet   |06 The Bright Stream          |05 Ratmansky stages Shostakovich’s Bolt    |04 Recreating The Pharaoh’s Daughter

     Reconstructing ballet    |15 Will the real Swan Lake please stand up?     |12 Ballet archaeology (Pierre Lacotte Q&A)    |10 How to restore Swan Lake (Mikhail Messerer interview)     |07 The issue of authenticity (Dance Now)   |05 Ratmansky stages Shostakovich’s Bolt 05    |04 Recreating The Pharaoh’s Daughter     |00 Peter Wright on authenticity in The Nutcracker     |00 Aurora's new dawn (Kirov restoration of Sleeping Beauty)    |00 Kirov Sleeping Beauty (review)    |00 ‘Reconstruction’ of Rite of Spring

     Red Arrows    |09  Aerial acrobats

     Dana Reitz     |95 Dance Umbrella

     Derek Rencher     |15 Obituary

     Gillian Revie     |97 StarLife

     Chita Rivera     |99  Chita returns to Chicago

     Riverdance     |95  Riverdance wars     |95 Riverdance, Apollo

     LaVaughn Robinson      |08 Obituary

     Tamara Rojo   |16 Her last Swan Lake?     |16 Rojo's female choreographers    |13 Marguerite and Armand (with Polunin)     |12 20th anniversary video survey of MacMillan’s ballets   |12 Song of the Earth, ROH      |11 Dancing to 12,000 people in the O2    |11 Marguerite and Armand (with Polunin)     |10  My summer reading     |09 Tamara Rojo's diary (interview)   |07  On dancing Swan Lake (interview)      |04 The two graces (Cojocaru & Rojo)      |04 Mayerling (with Cope)     |01 Onegin (Rojo, Cooper, Cojocaru)     |00 The Royal Ballet's new swan: Rojo interview     |99 Deane's Swan Lake in-the-round          |98 StarLife (interview)

     Romeo and Juliet   |12 20th anniversary video survey of MacMillan’s ballets    |oo Preljocaj's Romeo and Juliet                    

     Mstislav Rostropovich     |91 On Kogan's betrayal and his debt to Prokofiev: Rostropovich interview

     The Royal Ballet     |16 Losing the plot (Frankenstein, Strapless etc)     |06 The Designers (Royal Opera House)   |02 Royal Ballet injury crisis     |02  A bunch of amateurs’: Lady MacMillan accuses the Board (interview)   |02 Widow’s ultimatum: Ross Stretton quits RB     |00 The Royal Ballet's duty of care (Lynn Seymour interview)     |97 Royal Ballet at Hammersmith Apollo

     Patricia Ruanne     |22 Obituary

     Maclovia Ruiz          |06 Obituary

     Russia     |14 Russian avant-garde theatre, V&A

     Sadler's Wells Theatre     |98 Reopening night, Rambert

     Vyacheslav Samodurov   |10 Stepping up into choreography (interview)

     Galina Samsova     |21 Obituary

     Bruce Sansom     |95 ‘He is the best English man,' says Mukhamedov

     Liam Scarlett          |21 Obituary     |13 Serpent, BalletBoyz     |12 Scarlett becomes RB  "artist in residence"     |10 Asphodel Meadows, RB          |04 Monochromatic, Royal Ballet School

     Peter Schaufuss          |92 On his ENB dismissal and Pamela Harlech: interview

     Scènes de Ballet     |10 Scottish Ballet programme essay

     Margaret Scott     |20 Obituary

     Scottish Ballet     |15 Ochoa's A Streetcar named Desire     |15 De Frutos's Elsa Canasta          |12 Ochoa's Streetcar Named Desire

     Marina Semyonova   |10 Obituary

     Lynn Seymour   |23 Obituary     |04 The two graces (interview)     |00 The Royal Ballet's duty of care (interview)     |98 Moving reunion between Seymour and MacLeary     |93 The Cleopatra ballerina who stays out in the cold (interview)

     Vladimir Shklyarov   |09 Interview (with Somova)

     Dmitri Shostakovich     |05 The Bolt premieres at last

     Alla Sizova     |15  Obituary

     Matz Skoog     |23 Interviews with Ballet Legends (YouTube): Matz Skoog, ex director of English National Ballet

     Wayne Sleep     |03 Becoming Ugly Sisters (interview Sleep & Anthony Dowell)     |98  That duet with Princess Diana (interview)

     The Sleeping Beauty   |00 Kirov restoration of Sleeping Beauty          |96 Bjørnson/Dowell Sleeping Beauty

     Faryl Smith     |08 Britain's Got Talent child star

     Thiago Soares     |10 Gang-rape in ballet: The Judas Tree (interview)

     Alina Somova   |09 Interview (with Shklyarov)

     Yolande Sonnabend     |15 Obituary     |06 The designers (Farmer, Sonnabend, Georgiadis)

     Kathrine Sorley Walker     |15 Obituary

     Jock Soto          |05 Jock Soto: The superman of dance

     Gailene Stock     |00 Wanted: men with sex appeal (interview)

     Stomp     |95 Stomp

     Igor Stravinsky     |06 Stravinsky and the choreographers (Bintley, Baldwin, de Frutos, Clark interviews)

     Ross Stretton    |02  A bunch of amateurs’: Lady MacMillan accuses the Board (interview)   |02 Widow’s ultimatum: Ross Stretton quits RB      |01  One step at a time (interview)    |00 'The Royal Ballet needs revitalizing' (interview)

     Swan Lake     |15 Will the real Swan Lake please stand up?     |11 Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake in 3D     |08 Guangdong Acrobatic Troupe of China      |07 Tamara Rojo on Swan Lake     |05 Kirov (Lopatkina), ROH      |99 Derek Deane's Swan Lake in-the-round, ENB

     Maria Tallchief     |13  Obituary

     Tap dance   |08 LaVaughn Robinson obituary       |02 Shuffling off the bad times (Steve & Jimmy Clark interview)     |02 Buster Brown obituary    |92 Fancy feet: Buster Brown interview

     Paul Taylor   |18 Obituary     |oo Paul Taylor Dance Company, SWT     |00 Who is the greatest? Cunningham and Taylor in London      

     Glen Tetley     |07  Obituary      |00 Embrace Tiger, Pierrot Lunaire, Rambert     |97 How Darcey Bussell inspired Glen Tetley (interview)

     Twyla Tharp    |01 In the Upper Room, Birmingham Royal Ballet     |98 Prepare for short Tharp shocks (interview)     |97 Sweet Fields, 88, Heroes, Edinburgh     |96 Mr Worldly Wise and the wow factor (interview)          |95 Mr Worldly Wise, Royal Ballet

     Nini Theilade   |18 Obituary

     David Toole     |20 Obituary     |96 Candoco

     Jayne Torvill & Christopher Dean     |95 T&D swirl into the sunset

     The Trocks     |23 Interviews with Ballet Legends (YouTube): Tory Dobrin, chief of Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo

     Nikolai Tsiskaridze   |07 Wheeldon's Hamlet ballet for Bolshoi

     Antony Tudor   |05 Dark Elegies, The Judgment of Paris, Rambert     |00 The neglected genius of British ballet     |00 Shadowplay, RB     |96 Dark Elegies, Rambert          |95 Pillar of Fire, BRBß

     Viengsay Valdes     |05 Ballet Nacional de Cuba gala     |05 Giselle     |04 Don Quixote, Havana Ballet Festival

     Ninette de Valois   |98 How de Valois changed my life (David Bintley)      |96 Fifty years of world ballet: de Valois interview     |92 On Diaghilev (de Valois, Markova interviews)     |91 Ninette de Valois on Isadora Duncan's impact on her

     Hans Van Manen  |11 Dutch National Ballet, SWT    |04 Scottish Ballet    |98 DNB/NDT Van Manen programme

     Ivan Vasiliev   |15 Swan Lake (ENB, with Cojocaru)     |11 Lovers, off and on (interview Osipova & Vasiliev)     |07 The boy who can fly     

     Vladimir Vasiliev   |08 Side by side (interview Vasiliev & Maximova)     |07 Five Russian men who changed ballet

     David Vaughan     |17 Obituary

     Violette Verdy     |16 Obituary

     Nina Vyroubova     |07 Obituary

     David Wall     |13 Obituary

     Jonathan Watkins     |15 1984, Northern Ballet      |10 As One, RB

     Edward Watson     |15 An unlikely prince     |13 Mayerling     |05 My Brother, My Sisters

     Christopher Wheeldon   |13 Electric Counterpoint     |10 Wheeldon leaves his own company (interview)     |09 Continuum, Morphoses     |07 Conflicts at Bolshoi over Hamlet ballet     |06 Creating DGV at RB (interview)     |06 Polyphonia     |05 Jock Soto, superman of dance |03 Britain's Balanchine? (interview)

     Wendy Whelan     |05 Jock Soto, superman of dance      |00 Edinburgh Festival mini interview          |98 New York's two ballet stories (interview)

     Sarah Wildor     |23 Interviews with Ballet Legends (YouTube): Sarah Wildor          |05 Glamorous liaison      |02 Dancing in a minefield (interview)      |oo Ondine     |99 And they lived happily ever after (Cooper & Wildor interview)          |95 StarLife (interview)     |95 Manon debut

     Raven Wilkinson     |19  Obituary

     Peter Wright     |16 His autobiography reviewed     |06 80th birthday interview     |00 The Nutcracker king (interview)      |00 Peter Wright discusses authenticity in The Nutcracker

     Leonid Yakobson          |15 Janice Ross biography reviewed     

     Eva Yerbabuena     |02 The stamp of greatness (interview)

     Svetlana Zakharova    |16 Floored again (Giselle)   |04  Magnificent night in the harem    |97 The Fountain of Bakhchisarai, Coliseum

     Igor Zelensky   |04  Magnificent night in the harem    |98 Darcey conquers Russia (La Bayadère)     |97 Big feet, big chin, huge talent (interview)     |97 Swan Lake (with Lopatkina), Coliseum

     George Zoritch     |09 Obituary